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30 January 2012
Garry Snow emailed:
Regards Garry Snow
email garryandserena[AT]
3 January 2012
Mark L Frankling emailed from France
My "Dad" Roger Frankling was the Assistant Manager at Rabaul Stevedores - Kieta (1981-1989). He was especially good friends with Vic Fisher "The Captain" of the "Lae Chief" Ship - Bob Strong / Peter & Lin Mares The Legendary Bob Strong who was the manager of Toboroi plantation near Aropa Airport was also the transport manager at Rabaul Stevevedores...( My Dad sadly passed away on the Isle of Wight UK 2001.)
My favourate moment of my Dad was when he lost his Rolex watch when diving of Arovo/Pok pok island to the bottom of the very deep ocean. Ahhhhhg - You should of seen his face!! (After all those years that "dive watch" should still keep good timing!!!)
My Brother Jeff & I went to Loloho Correspondence School & Toniva in 1982 before being shipped off to Boarding School St Peter's Boarding school in New Zealand 1983.
I am looking for old photos/post-cards/Memories... of Bougainville in the 1980'S You "oldies" & Kids are all welcomed.
P.P.S. see also here.
Bob Corbett emailed from Newcastle, Australia
We have been living on Lake Macquarie (Newcastle) for 10 years, after moving from Orange, NSW where we spent 11.5 years. Ted and Coral Tame recently moved to Lake Macquarie. They keep in touch with a few of the oldies from KSCC.
We still own Uriava. A few years ago we caught up with Dr Hamish Foster and the owner of Bintaro whilst out sailing.