Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

News items from Bougainville

The Bougainville Aftermath

For your listening pleasure: TAIM BILONG MASTA

70 years of PIM are now available on the internet - click here

A new online library servicing the Pacific:


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7 October 2014

Paul Wagum emailed from Papua New Guinea:

Hi Peter, thank you very much for hosting this site.

It has enabled me to link up with my former colleague and mentor Mrs. Carol Allen who now lives back in the US (Utah).

Carol was the Chief Photographer at BCL from 1974 to 1981. She virtually worked herself out of her job by developing me to the point where I localized her when I was promoted to Staff Photographer.

I will see if I can post some photos because most of my collection were lost during the conflict. Most were either in prints or slides and there was no way of sustaining them especially when I remained on the island and we were shifing locations. I was also at home when the rebel elements prevented us from returning so most of the equipment (cameras, both still and video, enlargers) and my personal stuff that was kept in the office were either looted or were burnt when the building was set on fire.

Keep up the good work.

Paul Wagum
email administration.mgr[AT]