Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

News items from Bougainville

The Bougainville Aftermath

For your listening pleasure: TAIM BILONG MASTA

70 years of PIM are now available on the internet - click here

A new online library servicing the Pacific:


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27 December 2019

Walk into Paradise


What a find! The full-length feature film "Walk into Paradise" on youtube. However, it may not last, so why not buy yourself your own copy on DVD? At $15 it's the cheapest PNG-souvenir you can buy!

Click here.


25 December 2019

Gutpela Nait, Holi Nait



“Gutpela Nait, Holi Nait” i wanpela song bilong Krismas. Em i kam long maunten bilong Ostria (Austria) klostu long Jemeni (Germany).

Long 1817 Binksu Joseph Mohr i kam long St. Nikolaus Sios long taun Oberndorf klostu long Salzburg, Ostria (Austria). Em karim wantaim em tok bilong wanpela song em i raitim long 1816. Olsem, em i askim Franz Gruber, wanpela tisa long skul long Arsndorf, wanpela taun klostu, long raitim nek long dispela tok. Olsem, long Krismas nait 1818 dispela song bai ol i singim. Long dispela Krismas, organ bilong sios bai i bruk, olsem ol i singim waintaim gita tasol.


Gutpela nait, ho-oli nait,
lukim nau bik-p’la lait
raunim nupela Pikinini.
Em i Ki-ing bilo-ong glori.
Lukim em i slip, lukim em i slip

Gutpela nait, ho-oli nait,
wasman nau lukim lait
i stap klostu long Be-ethlehem.
Ensel li-itima-apim nem
bilong Jisas i ka-am, bi-ilong Jisas i kam.

Gutpela nait, ho-oli nait.
God i no moa stap hait.
Kamap kli-ia long Pikinini,
Em i bri-ingim marimari.
Krais Bikpela i ka-am. Kra-ais Bikpela i kam.



18 December 2019

Stone-Age Man of the Upper Sepik

To stay alive, this blog is undergoing a slow transformation from being a voice for those who built the mighty Bougainville Copper Project in the early 70s to a general collection of 'New Guineana'. Why? Well, many of those who worked on the project are already dead or - if past performances are anything to go by - in the process of drinking themselves to death. Some others who could still write can't because they never learned how - and you better believe it because as a tax agent in Camp 6 and later in Camp 1 I also became something of a scribe for those who wanted to communicate with their wives and sweethearts but couldn't. They came to me to read out their letters to them or to pen their replies - and I believe I kept many out of mischief by toning down their replies by several degrees! Anyway, here we go with another piece of 'New Guineana':

Click on image to enlarge


10 December 2019

In the Shadow of Vulcan

To stay alive, this blog is undergoing a slow transformation from being a voice for those who built the mighty Bougainville Copper Project in the early 70s to a general collection of 'New Guineana'. Why? Well, many of those who worked on the project are already dead or - if past performances are anything to go by - in the process of drinking themselves to death. Some others who could still write can't because they never learned how - and you better believe it because as a tax agent in Camp 6 and later in Camp 1 I also became something of a scribe for those who wanted to communicate with their wives and sweethearts but couldn't. They came to me to read out their letters to them or to pen their replies - and I believe I kept many out of mischief by toning down their replies by several degrees! Anyway, here we go with another piece of 'New Guineana':

Click on image to enlarge


1 December 2019

Twelve Days of Christmas in Pidgin


This may bring back memories ...


28 November 2019

Hope springs eternal in the hearts of the BCL shareholders


As for myself, I was happy to sell out on the day at 40 cents, well short of the subsequent peak of 50 cents (before it dropped back to yesterday's 35 cents) but glad to have finally got rid of this losing horse.


24 November 2019

Wishing you all a very
Merry Christmas!


We have outsourced this year's Christmas Greetings to keep costs down. Refer to our Christmas card from last year for a translation.

Please take some time out from all the merry-making and reflect here on the many things you can be grateful for! And ponder again the age-old question,

"Why is a Christmas tree better than a man?"

Here at last is the answer:

It's always erect,
Stays up for 12 days and nights,
Has cute balls,
And even looks good with the lights on!

A very Merry Christmas to you all!

(This Christmas I'm putting Mistletoe in my back-pocket
so all the people who don't like me can kiss my ass!)



And here's one for all you hopeless romantics out there to get you into the Christmas spirit of things:

A couple were Christmas shopping. The shopping centre was packed, and as the wife walked through one of the malls she was surprised when she looked around to find that her husband was nowhere to be seen. She was quite upset because they had a lot to do and she became so worried that she called him on the mobile phone to ask him where he was.

In a quiet voice he said, "Do you remember the jewellers we went into about five years ago where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we couldn't afford, and I told you that I would get it for you one day?"

The wife choked up and started to cry and said, "Yes, I do remember that shop."

He replied, "Well, I'm in the pub next door."


23 November 2019

Melanesia's Buried Treasure


Mountains that vibrate to their very core


Kieta looks forward to bigger and better things


Bougainville one year later


In the beginning ...