Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

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The Bougainville Aftermath

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14 March 2022

Putting Panguna and Arawa on the map


8 March 2022

Errol Flynn and Papua New Guinea

Read the book online here

Papua New Guinea’s rich and colorful history is littered with the names of likewise gaudy characters that have carved a niche for themselves. Few, however, have made more of an impact than the flamboyant and swashbuckling Errol Flynn.

Surprisingly, one of Errol Flynn’s greatest loves was writing. He wrote two semi-autobiographical novels, "Beam Ends" and "Showdown", and in addition wrote articles for the Sydney Bulletin whilst in PNG under the pen-name "Laloki". His autobiography "My Wicked, Wicked Ways" was ghosted by Earl Conrad who later came to the conclusion that he had only partically understood his subject, and so he spent another three months with Flynn in Jamaica during the last year of the actor's life.

I found a copy of this now rare book, "Errol Flynn : A Memoir", in one of our local op-shops but you can read it online at

You can find more material on Errol Flynn at, such as these rare gems:


P.S. There's also a very interesting Errol Flynn blog - click here.