Today is Friday, March 28, 2025

The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

News items from Bougainville

The Bougainville Aftermath

For your listening pleasure: TAIM BILONG MASTA

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20 September 2023

Rex Brooks emailed from Townsville:


Hello Peter,

I was randomly browsing and came across your blog. I was amused by the photo of you in the article "The die was cast", as it could have been a photo of me from that era, similar age and build, identical glasses and same dress sense. It brought back memories of a time of my life I won't forget.

I was recruited in Cairns by Ken Phillips for a job with CRA Exploration. We arrived in Kieta in April 1964 and commenced geochemical sampling around Kupei mine. The team consisted of Ken, myself (field assistant), Ian Wilkie (field assistant), Edgar Mucenikas (geochemist) and Neville Robinson (Mines Dept. liaison).

We moved across to the western side of the range and set up a base camp in Panguna valley, see above photo. This spot is where the BCL Admin, warehouse and workshop later stood around 1970.

I did many and varied jobs and managed to see many areas in PNG, all the while being paid for the experience. I gradually drifted into Supply and worked with Ken Nelson for several years. After three years I thought I was missing out on "life" in Australia and left, but within 6 months I was back, with a new bride, and stayed until 1970.

Rex Brooks with second child in 1970

Anne and John Barnham were our next-door neighbours at Panguna. My first daughter was born in this period and I can remember my wife being swamped at the markets by the meris wanting to touch the baby's fine white hair.

I followed Ken Phillips to Ok Tedi with Kennecott Exploration but two years later, now with three daughters, I settled at Greenvale Nickel Mine for 20 years!

The day Greenvale mine closed I was on a flight back to PNG for 10 years of FIFO at Porgera.

My last job in PNG was with Morobe Mining at Hidden Valley in 2012. I am now retired on a small property outside Townsville and have become adept at doing absolutely nothing.

In the time I spent in PNG I often came into contact with many ex-Bougainvilleans. Without exception they all portrayed the "bug" that seems to get into your blood after a stint up there. Bougainville was home and you went to Australia on leave.

I am gradually reading through all the old posts but sadly age seems to be cutting down the ranks.

All the best to you, Peter, for keeping the memories alive.

Rex Brooks
Mobile : 0406398743



1 September 2023

Papua New Guinea: Initiation and Independence


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