19 June 2010

Jerome Wallace

What a great web site, thank you Peter Goerman!!!

Since I already sent a note to 'guestbook' I thought I'd add some comments. For the 73 to 76 gang some more names now come to mind: Alison Colbert (married in the US), John Barnham, John Downie, Peter Hobday, John Craig, Duff Ericson (AGM) and the Mining group, Mike Blackwell, David Swain, Trevor Schultz.

Leaving Boug' in 76 with Island blood in my veins forever, I emigrated to Canada , then back to the Islands of the Caribbean, Trinidad, then Grenada. After there, Mexico, Venezuela and Zaire , where I was Tech Mgr for a Mine in the Northeast of what is now Congo. --- just look up COLTAN (Columbium and Tantalum) on the web to see extreme 'exploitation,pollution and Rival Militias'

I'm now in Grand Cayman and I'm not leaving this Island I now call home. "Everyting is cool here, Mon"! jeromewallace@hotmail.com

PS I'll get some photos to you soon.