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25 August 2010

Mike Edwards


Happened to stumble on your page which is now in favourites so thought I might drop you a few lines. My name is Mike Edwards and I worked on Bougainville for Morgan Equipment 1970 / 71. Lived first up in Panguna, Kawrong Haus (excuse if spelling got lost somewhere), a long spell in Camp 6 Loloho. I do remember those red plastic chairs and the dongas under the coconut trees with a great deal of affection. I lived with friends Kevin & Mickey Gill in a Morgan unit in Toniva for a while. Finished up a bunch of us from Morgans lived in a house in Arawa.

I'm sure you would remember the wet mess at Camp 6, first time I went there I was a little amused at those little roof things over the tables, soon found out what they were there for. And could not go without a mention of Arovo Island (or the Davara Hotel in Toniva) spent many a happy Saturday night and / or Sunday there. And the diving, just magic.

I had just a little under two years on the island, after I had been home a while I found myself regretting leaving. Morgan Equipment was a great company to work for and with a very few exceptions the people both expats and locals were great.

I suppose the years have put a bit of a rosy glow on the memories, but looking back there were so many more good times than bad, would love to see the place again.

Mike Edwards