I have about 100 photos of our time on Bougainville, which you may be interested in seeing and/or putting on your Bougainville website.
They include some aerial shots I took when I flew down into the bush to pick up Paul Scott from one if his school inspection visits. You may remember Paul, he was the Headmaster at Tupukas Primary School School and then went on to be the schools inspector for Bougainville and some of the islands. His wife Anne was also a teacher at the Arawa Primary school. Paul, Anne and their children were our next-door neighbours in Arawa, and we are still in touch.
The photos include some decent shots of the Queen's visit accompanying Princess Anne and her 1st husband on their honeymoon, along with Prince Philip and Earl Mountbatten. We were lucky enough to get seats in the grandstand and watched the SingSing. There are some of the mine etc as well.
The photos are taken from slides and are too big to send more than 2 or 3 per email, so I wondered if you would like me to put them on CDs and post them? If so please let me have your postal address and I'll get on to it.
Kind regards
John Hewitt
Ex Maintenance Controller (Crushing) 1973/74.
Footnote from the Webmaster: Yes, please, John, mail your CDs to my address at PO Box 233, Batemans Bay, N.S.W. 2536, Australia as I would be very happy to add those photos to the website.
... and here they are!