Today is Monday, March 31, 2025

The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

News items from Bougainville

The Bougainville Aftermath

For your listening pleasure: TAIM BILONG MASTA

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19 June 2010

Kevin McDean emailed from China:

Hello Peter

As is noted on your website, I was on Bougainville from mid 1970 till about Octoberr 1977 I think, our paths may have crossed at some point during those life changing days.

Many respectable and less then respectable stories to tell but no room here.

But briefly, was with Mike Blackwell, Tom Kuzman, Ian white and others in the mine engineering office at the Pink Palace then down near the pit workshop from my first day, and gradually progressed doing many things to commissioning the Port facilities and Crusher etc.

I have been sorting out some old things here and found these scanned copies of photos taken pre digital days, thought that if you have a place for them, others may be interested in seeing them.

The quality is not so good so do what you want with them.

I am currently in China and have been in and out of here for the last 5 years, managing a trading etc company. So if you know anyone that wants anything from up here from big bits of machinery to table forks let me know.

Enjoy looking at your website from time to time, but with us all getting older we may tend to do that more frequently trying to remember youth.

Have a good day in Gods country.

Kind regards
Kevin McDean
Telephone: +86 134 399 27922