The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

News items from Bougainville

The Bougainville Aftermath

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19 June 2010

Patrick McEvoy

32 years after leaving the Island, I discovered your site. You do excellent work. From your list,I only recall one name, Wally Kaka,the fearless fireman. I certainly would like to re-establish contact. Thanks for making this chance available. Hopefully, by now, he is able to finish a tune on his guitar. By the way, Uxbridge is between Boston and Worcester in the US. On Bougainville I lived in Camp 3, my boss was Brianm Woomera, leaving when the Blue Streak closed down. The only contact I have had with ex-Bougainville types was Ron Wood(Bechtel), and Jack Farmer from Loloho (he was with the TPNG) and Hilda Meyer (Bechtel office) and Rita Palmari. I probably needed to find your site as I often wondered about Bougainville. Keep up the good work.
Patrick McEvoy
E-Mail: mcevoypr[AT]