Today is Monday, March 31, 2025

The Die Was Cast - My Journey to New Guinea

News items from Bougainville

The Bougainville Aftermath

For your listening pleasure: TAIM BILONG MASTA

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19 June 2010

Peter Broderick

I would like to add my name (Peter Burrell, now Broderick) to your list. My father was Bill Burrell, Manager of Arawa Department Store from 1976-79, and Panguna Department Store from 1979-80. My mother, Maureen Broderick, is now living in her home town of Forbes, NSW. I am living in Bondi Beach and work as Manager of Major Works(Architect/Project Manager) for the NSW Attorney General's Department.

I often think of Bougainville, of Bovo Primary, swimming in the Bovo River at Blab-Blab and Martin's Hole. Rumba Mission was a popular destination for expeditions with friends. Where are you all now? I remember lots of strange and interesting people, the kind of people who are attracted to PNG in the first place. This probably included ourselves!

Other not-so-strange people that spring to mind include, Phil Smith( now deceased) who used to take me fishing when I was a youngster, Bill Dyer, David Mitchell, Chris Marshall, and others, the memories of who I hope will be stimulated by your website!