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7 May 2014

Darryl Robins emailed from Carramar in Western Australia:

G'Day Peter

Great site. Thanks

I was with Bechtel during construction around Oct 70 to March 72. In the telecommunication field. My daughter Nikki was born at the Panguna minesite hospital Feb 72. She spotted your website & has the urge to return for a look around.
Is that a possibility these days?

I have a bunch of slides scanned to jpegs. If you are interested, I could put them on a disc & mail it to you. Still in contact with a few, Brian Dodd, area kiap (Known as Boots then). During a pissy Wednesday night at Brian's, we formed the Bougainville Ski Club - see badge below. Neville Dipell who was Bechtel comms at Loloho. A brief slide description also available. Have a few stories if you are interested.

For starters, here's the badge of the Bougainville Ski Club:

I can't quite remember the significance of the badge items but think it was as follows: Skis - for the snow that we know will come one day but "for today we rest"; cup - grog, obviously; extended stem on cup - the symbol for woman of which we dreamt; yellow disc - sun.

Darryl Robins
Carramar, WA
0427 186 771